Anthocleista potalioides Wilde |
Wilde |
10393 |
46 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Fagara dinklagei Engl. |
Wilde |
10394 |
46 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Psychotria radicifera O.Lachenaud |
Wilde |
10395 |
46 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Antidesma vogelianum Müll.Arg. |
Wilde |
10399 |
50 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Garcinia lucida Vesque |
Wilde |
10400 |
50 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Corynanthe mayumbensis (R.D.Good) Raym.-Hamet ex N.Hallé |
Wilde |
10401 |
50 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Landolphia ligustrifolia (Stapf) Pichon |
Wilde |
10402 |
50 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Medinilla mirabilis (Gilg) Jacq.-Fél. |
Wilde |
10403 |
50 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Hypolytrum scaberrimum Boeckeler |
Wilde |
10404 |
50 km on the road Mouila - Yéno. |
Thecacoris stenopetala (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg. |
Wilde |
10406 |
Bongolo, beneath Protestant Mission, bank of Louetsi River. |
Oldenlandia L. |
Wilde |
10407 |
Bongolo, beneath Protestant Mission, bank of Louetsi River. |
Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth |
Wilde |
10408 |
Bongolo, beneath the Protestant Mission, on bank of Louetsi River. |
Brachycorythis macrantha (Lindl.) Summerh. |
Wilde |
10409 |
Bongolo, beneath the Protestant Mission, on bank of Louetsi River. |
Diaphananthe bidens (Afzel. ex Sw.) Schltr. |
Wilde |
10410 |
Bongolo, beneath the Protestant Mission, on bank of Louetsi River. |
Adiantum philippense L. |
Wilde |
10411 |
Bongolo, beneath the Protestant Mission, on bank of Louetsi River. |
Begonia scapigera Hook.f. subsp. australis Sosef |
Wilde |
10412 |
Bongolo, on steep bank of Louetsi River, beneath Protestant Mission. |
Perotis indica (L.) Kuntze |
Wilde |
10413 |
2 km on the road Lebamba - Mbigou, Biroundou River. |
Paspalum virgatum L. |
Wilde |
10414 |
2 km on the road Lebamba - Mbigou, Biroundou River. |
Cyperus amabilis Vahl |
Wilde |
10415 |
2 km on the road Lebamba - Mbigou, Biroundou River. |
Bulbostylis densa (Wall.) Hand.-Mazz. |
Wilde |
10416 |
2 km on the road Lebamba - Mbigou, Biroundou River. |