Les échantillons

Taxon Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Tarenna eketensis Wernham var. eketensis Wilde 10929 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Garcinia smeathmannii (Planch. & Triana) Oliv. Wilde 10930 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Chassalia inflata O.Lachenaud Wilde 10931 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Melastomastrum segregatum (Benth.) A.Fern. & R.Fern. Wilde 10932 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Desmodium ramosissimum G.Don Wilde 10933 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Zornia latifolia Sm. Wilde 10934 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel. Wilde 10935 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Macaranga spinosa Müll.Arg. Wilde 10936 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Garcinia quadrifaria (Oliv.) Pierre var. chromocarpa (Engl.) Sosef & Dauby Wilde 10937 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Mostuea hirsuta (T.Anderson ex Benth. & Hook.f.) Baill. ex Baker Wilde 10938 Rabi, bridge crossing the Echira river, 34.8 km S of Shell basecamp.
Zeyherella mayumbensis (Greves) Aubrév. & Pellegr. Wilde 10939 Rabi, 53 km S of Shell/Gabon basecamp.
Loganiaceae Wilde 10941 Rabi, 53 km S of Shell/Gabon basecamp.
Deinbollia maxima Gilg Wilde 10942 Rabi, 53 km S of Shell/Gabon basecamp.
Calpocalyx dinklagei (Taub.) Harms Wilde 10943 Rabi, 50 km S of Shell/Gabon basecamp.
Diospyros conocarpa Gürke & K.Schum. Wilde 10944 Rabi, 44 km S of Shell/Gabon basecamp.
Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Wilde 10945 Rabi, 44 km S of Shell/Gabon basecamp.
Begonia loranthoides Hook.f. subsp. rhopalocarpa (Warb.) J.J.de Wilde Wilde 10947 35 km S of Shell Base camp of Rabi. Near bridge crossing the Echira River.
Costus lateriflorus Baker Wilde 10948 Rabi, 35 km S of Shell/Gabon basecamp, near bridge crossing the Echira river.
Baphia hylophila Harms Wilde 10950 Rabi, Shell/Gabon near well no. 53.
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels Wilde 10951 Rabi (Shell-Gabon) near well no 53.

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