Symphonia globulifera L.f. |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
301 |
3 km along the road Tchimbélé - Kinguélé. |
Morinda morindoides (Baker) Milne-Redh. |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
302 |
Crystal Mountains, 8 km along the road Tchimbélé - Kinguélé. |
Psychotria camerunensis E.M.A.Petit |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
303 |
8 km along the road Tchimbélé - Kinguélé. |
Anthocleista laxiflora Baker |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
304 |
8 km along the road Tchimbélé - Kinguélé. |
Acridocarpus longifolius (G.Don) Hook.f. |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
306 |
Ocean coast at Cape Esterias. |
Scadoxus cinnabarinus (Decne.) Friis & Nordal |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
307 |
Cape Esterias, ocean coast. |
Dracaena cerasifera Hua |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
308 |
Cape Esterias, ocean coast. |
Jollydora duparquetiana (Baill.) Pierre |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
309 |
Cape Esterias, ocean coast. |
Diospyros mannii Hiern |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
310 |
Cape Esterias, ocean coast. |
Pararistolochia ceropegioides (S.Moore) Hutch. & Dalziel |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
311 |
Cape Esterias, ocean coast. (2oo m) |
Chamaecrista mimosoides (L.) Greene |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
312 |
c. 12 km along the road Ndendé - Lébamba. |
Hyptis lanceolata Poir. |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
313 |
c. 12 km along the road Ndendé - Lébamba. |
Dichapetalum lujae De Wild. & T.Durand var. letestui (Pellegr.) Breteler |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
314 |
27 km along the road Ndendé - Lébamba. |
Dichapetalum gabonense Engl. |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
315 |
Road Ndendé - Lébamba, near bridge over the Ngounié River. |
Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach. & Thonn.) Chew |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
316 |
Ferry between Lébamba and Bongolo, bank of the Louetsie River. |
Rauvolfia mannii Stapf |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
317 |
Bongolo, near Lébamba, Missionary Station. |
Palisota ambigua (P.Beauv.) C.B.Clarke |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
318 |
Bongolo, near Lébamba, Missionary Station. |
Guaduella marantifolia Franch. |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
319 |
Bongolo, near Lébamba, Missionary Station. |
Neurotheca loeselioides (Spruce ex Progel) Baill. |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
320 |
Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou). |
Sauvagesia erecta L. subsp. erecta |
Wilde (WALK-B) |
321 |
Missionary Station at Mouyanama, c. 15 km on the road Mimongo - Mbigou (60 km along the road from Mbigou). |